Should you have separate business and personal Instagram accounts
Should you have separate business and personal Instagram accounts? These days what you put out in the instaverse will always come back to you, so sometimes separating business and pleasure can have its pro’s. But before you decide to separate church and state, read this short blog and do what is best for you and your business. You are important. It is important to know that…
Read MoreHow hairstylists are going mobile and using Homesalon to do it!
Mobile hairstylist, A growing industry trend According to research, South African women of colour, may spend an average of R2000 and 11 hours per month on their hair. This is just the average, which means that some people are spending almost double to that of the average given. So, where was the most money and time spent? At the salon, of course! But with the world affected by…
Read MoreHow to become a successful Mobile Stylist
How to become a successful Mobile Stylist Look for opportunity and you will find it If you were a hairstylist working in a traditional hair salon up until March 27th 2020, you know that by now things have drastically changed. Corona virus has upset the normal order of things and has made everyone think about themselves more as the business rather than working for a…
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